I Got it at Ross?

Sooooo as it turns it out I of course finally had time to start this when I was sick.  Even though I have time to write I haven’t seen anyone except myself in the same gray on gray sweatsuit in days.

Note: Gray on gray is never a wining combination, dont get ideas.  It is just inevitably my most comfortable gear is gray… Thus the classically sexy ensamble of gray sweatshirt, tshirt, and sweats is born.  My little secret… especially since I used to rag on my roommate for the same thing.

This got me thinking.  Do I have anything useful to share that isn’t inspired by someone else’s bad decision on say a stripper heel and sweater dress combination to work?  Only the secret to my whole wardrobe.

Teaching moment: If people like it, it doesn’t matter where you bought it.

In fact it is more fun to tell people somewhere like Ross, for $5.99 when they are standing there envious in their over priced generic sweater set.  Yes , sometimes you get what you pay for.  And as hard as they try Forever 21 cant quite get some knock offs right.  But if you would rather have an ever changing, dynamic wardrobe and if you make as much as I do… it is impossible to exclusively shop at Nordstroms, J Crew, Barney’s etc.  Forget Chanel, Hermes, or Alexader McQueen (God Rest).

Yes H&M and  Forever 21 provide “acceptable” lower cost alternatives with rapid turnover to avoid total samsies outfits with your contemporaries, The Rack ran a Groupon for goodness sakes, and everyone wants to be a Maxxinista these days with TJ Maxx’s hard hitting ad campaigns explaining how they have great merchandise at acceptable prices blah blah blah but every wannabe Carrie Bradshaw has to have some tricks up her discounted sleeves if you want to consistently dress to impress.

Forever 21/H&M/The Rack/TJ Maxx just are not cheap enough on a consistent basis, for me.  I will shop anywhere.  I do not discriminate because it is true, people only scoff at where something is purchased if it looks bad.  That runs true both sides of the scale, ie I dont care you piad $595.00  big ones for this St. John heart lace shirt from Norddssstromsss, its a train-wreck:

In fact, you are an idiot.

I’d say the majority of items that I wear that without fail get the most compliments are from somewhere ridiculous.  And often these are items that I would never take a chance on at a higher price.  Vintage stores are great, but so are friend’s moms closets.  Buffalo Exchange is nice bc they control the quality, but take a chance at Goodwill/Savers.  Ross is just like TJ Maxx but cheaper, you never know. Target has some great cheap “couture lines” they have been running, but have you ever tried their 50% off Maternity Section? The trick with these stores is finding one in a good area.  They are less picked over, and often if it is a donation store, contain gems.  Just like consignment shops by Universities.  Jackpot.

I also like to mix something more expensive (ie Shoes) with cheaper items, almost to lend them credibility if I am ever unsure on a piece.

Teaching hi-lites: The key here is a focus on quality, you know when something looks cheap… don’t get it.  It will sit in your closet taking up space. Also, moderation.  Wardrobe essentials are worth spending the money on, get more use out of them by getting cheap co-horts to change up your look all the time.  And lastly, Pride.  When you make a 2 dollar top look good, be proud of it.  Who cares if it is all you can afford?  You are dressed so well no one would ever guess; they think you get it by choice when you pull it off with aplomb.

Soo here is my true fashion secret, I learned a long time ago how to fake it.

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