GQ Like a Lady

Current trend crush: not just nodding to men’s fashion… but actually incorporating classic men’s pieces into your look.

Teaching Moment: This isn’t an attempt at butch, the goal is not to actually look manly… the magic is in, you guessed it, THE CONTRAST.


Too be honest, I wouldn’t have thought of writing about this.  The formerly taboo concept of women wearing pants is so standard here that incorporating other pieces isn’t that noteworthy; except for the fact that a notorious bad dresser in the office sported this look recently and it was so striking that people commented left and right how nice she looked.  I realized that instead of wearing skin tight prostitue dresses and hooker short skirts and going more manly, she managed to look softer and sexier than when she gives it away for free on the regular.  I immediately sported my own twist.

(knowing when to imitate without being insulting or too obvious is an arrow everyone needs in their quiver)


Men’s over-sized dress shirt?  check

Skinny jeans with a solid wash? check

Gladiator sandals? check.

Variations include different colored dress shirts and dress sandals… this look is NOT meant to be done with heels (too much) but riding type boots work great too.  The tight jeans balance out the loose shirt, and I would recommend a statement necklace on top to give some hint of breasts and size if you aren’t going to rock a lower belt…

a) It is hard to go wrong with Turquoise… or Coral for that matter.  Especially in the spring and summer, these native type peices can add a fun bit of flair to the loose, plain tops and dresses.

b) Real or fake, this stone brings some pop and the earthy feel provides great CONTRAST with the stuffyness of a men’s button down.


As for me, the recent passing of my father has left at my disposal a mighty fine men’s wardrobe.  The pieces that I haven’t been able to find a good home for yet or I just plain liked have found their way into my closet, and this was a greaat opportunity to sport some OG.



Men’s silk tan-ish blazer, shoulder pads in full effect paired with a little cheeky jeggings and white v-neck number.  Men’s alligator skinned belt an riding boots; not optional.

The belt was loosely done over the shirt, riding around the hips for a color tie in, and small waist demonstration since the jacket was a tad overpowering.  The plainness of the shit was to eliminate distractions, with the whole point of the jeggings being to make sure there wasn’t any male/female confusion going on. .. I jest but again: contrast. contrast, contrast.

Curled hair, a giant ring, and my agressive black framed RayBans completed the look.

The devil being in the details of course, and this was my most successful outfit in the month of January.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so here’s to you Ms. I have no fear of my ass showing in the office…. an old dog can learn new tricks.  Thanks.


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