Who Made Her The Fashion Police?

When I am not doing my best Anna Wintour impression, I am a young professional trying to string together the best champagne outfits on a beer budget.

In other words, I am your average 20-something college grad keeping one critical eye on the fashion world and the other on my credit card statement.  Trust me, the two don’t mix.  However the one thing I hate more than the 15th of every month is seeing someone spend their hard earned money on something knock your socks off awful.  Who let her buy that? Where were her friends? I don’t care if it was 15 dollars, there are a lot more attractive things you can buy with that money!

So this Blog is created not in a white tower-holier than thou way, but more as a teaching moment for someone looking to try something new way.  Some things, no matter how many bows you put on them just do not mix, but for some reason stick thin 10ft tall models can convince you.  Do not fall into this trap.  Parachute pants never looked good on anyone (and certainly not on a certain 5’7″ spitfire with junk in her trunk ahemmm).

I am always willing to try something new in the quest to create a signature style, and fail just as often.  So not only am I keeping an eye out in my office, out to lunch, or on the “Scottsdale Scene” for teaching moments, several of these will hit a bit close to home.


So en vouge or passe?

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