Category Archives: Fashion Win

Red Velvet Cupcake Batter with Captain Crunch

Holy Moly.  Where have I been?

Today I discovered my new crush and it has nothing to do with clothes…

So this amazing blend of mash-up options, including the special Spring Training flavor, got me thinking; Spring is HERE*

*…Well Almost

Especially in warmer climates, as the stores bust out the spring colors and florals, its tempting to think oh hey time to go all spring fever up in here… its the last day of February peoples, not so fast!  Luckily one of my FroYo partners in crime was wearing a perfect blend of spring and winter, and a teaching moment was born four hefty spoonfuls into Red Velvet Cupcake Batter with Captain Crunch.






So the theme here is mixing the new fun and flirty prints and fabrics currently in the stores with darker, heavier, winter touches to keep them seasonally appropriate and double dip-able.

She did this with  a new fun floral Forever 21 (I know because I immediately copied it) but instead of playing the spring side with light shoes and work appropriate cover-up, she went heavier and pulled the gray from the silver piping trim.  Wearing this again in the middle of spring, maybe a sheer sleeve jacket with a belt and BOOM… you have a completely different look.

The moral here being, dont be afraid to start pulling out the spring looks if the weather supports it, but get more milage from the ‘fit by pairing it with winter touches this round.


…..Also, FroYo can’t be thatttt bad for you can it?



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Filed under Fashion Win, Timely Advice

GQ Like a Lady

Current trend crush: not just nodding to men’s fashion… but actually incorporating classic men’s pieces into your look.

Teaching Moment: This isn’t an attempt at butch, the goal is not to actually look manly… the magic is in, you guessed it, THE CONTRAST.


Too be honest, I wouldn’t have thought of writing about this.  The formerly taboo concept of women wearing pants is so standard here that incorporating other pieces isn’t that noteworthy; except for the fact that a notorious bad dresser in the office sported this look recently and it was so striking that people commented left and right how nice she looked.  I realized that instead of wearing skin tight prostitue dresses and hooker short skirts and going more manly, she managed to look softer and sexier than when she gives it away for free on the regular.  I immediately sported my own twist.

(knowing when to imitate without being insulting or too obvious is an arrow everyone needs in their quiver)


Men’s over-sized dress shirt?  check

Skinny jeans with a solid wash? check

Gladiator sandals? check.

Variations include different colored dress shirts and dress sandals… this look is NOT meant to be done with heels (too much) but riding type boots work great too.  The tight jeans balance out the loose shirt, and I would recommend a statement necklace on top to give some hint of breasts and size if you aren’t going to rock a lower belt…

a) It is hard to go wrong with Turquoise… or Coral for that matter.  Especially in the spring and summer, these native type peices can add a fun bit of flair to the loose, plain tops and dresses.

b) Real or fake, this stone brings some pop and the earthy feel provides great CONTRAST with the stuffyness of a men’s button down.


As for me, the recent passing of my father has left at my disposal a mighty fine men’s wardrobe.  The pieces that I haven’t been able to find a good home for yet or I just plain liked have found their way into my closet, and this was a greaat opportunity to sport some OG.



Men’s silk tan-ish blazer, shoulder pads in full effect paired with a little cheeky jeggings and white v-neck number.  Men’s alligator skinned belt an riding boots; not optional.

The belt was loosely done over the shirt, riding around the hips for a color tie in, and small waist demonstration since the jacket was a tad overpowering.  The plainness of the shit was to eliminate distractions, with the whole point of the jeggings being to make sure there wasn’t any male/female confusion going on. .. I jest but again: contrast. contrast, contrast.

Curled hair, a giant ring, and my agressive black framed RayBans completed the look.

The devil being in the details of course, and this was my most successful outfit in the month of January.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so here’s to you Ms. I have no fear of my ass showing in the office…. an old dog can learn new tricks.  Thanks.


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Cheetah Girls Throwback

Cheetah, zebra, and leopards oh my! No doubt my first post involving animal print will NOT be my last.  One of the most electric ways to add flavor to any type of outfit, in any season, is with some purrrrint. (yeah I did it, so pick your next move; either leave or live with it)

The idea of adding some extra umphf can be intimidating, everyone knows the dangers of going full print… so sometimes it gets passed over as a legitimate option.  It is time to remember the art of the subtle.  So today’s teaching moment is; when you are dealing with a hi-impact item, it is possible to create a whole effect without over-coordinating or drowning in a print explosion.


Here is an example of  a recently worn fit that was kept from being too predictable and casual with the addition of some edge courtesy of some cheetah.

1. The Dress














(ignore the random fut hat in this girl’s look)

H&M on sale cheap, cheap, cheap.  Light, fun, not 1990’s denim dress,with interesting detail on the front and poof in the sleeves to add interest.   By itself, pretty and flattering… but not noteworthy enough on the solo.

2. The Belt









Since the dress was bought on the cheap, cheap, cheap… it might have been a few sizes too wide.  Being a belt was necessary for figure defining (a sack = not attractive), this is where the choice happened.  Interesting belt?  Then the shoes better compliment.  Want to add magic with the shoe selection?  Then the belt better not try to steal the show.

Accessories are meant to compliment, not compete; either with each other orrr the look as a whole.

In this case, sturdy and structured to avoid looking sloppy but not enough to call attention.

3. The Shoes













Steve Madden ankle boots.  Its warm enough out and I didn’t want to compete with the brown and dilute the effect with tights, so tiny feet socks to avoid both blisters and looking unpolished  by having socks sticking out.

These shoes make a pretty loud statement.  Annnndd give the jean dress enough edge to make the outfit both noteworthy and ooh laLaaa.  Classic example of a more hardcore option paired with feminine fun to avoid blending in, and the use of animal print in small doses keeps it perfectly wearable for this week’s Friday Casual in the office.


* meow.*

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Filed under Fashion Win

Win, Place, Show

I’m so excited to start out with a positive, so unlike me.

This outfit, recently worn at my uber trendy no one really knows what the dress code is and some people clearly realllllyyy don’t know what it is, office had 3 key teaching moment elements.  Each piece could stand on its own, but together the outfit was truly noteworthy so I’ll start with the best piece (win) and work my way down (show).

1. Win

So the dress was actually in cool colors (purples, blues and greens) and had pockets but this is close enough. Sweet and sassy has to be my favorite combination of elements currently. I always lustfully admired hard rock gear from afar, not possessing all the necessary traits to sport combat boots and fishnets on the regular; now it is entirely possible for the straight laced lady to put a bit of bite into her style without appearing entirely poser like in appearance.  This dress is a perfect example… how much more Stepford Wife can you get in cut and print?  And yet it goes the next step with a mesh top that has me giggling like a school girl with a first crush, that serves to keep this dress out of the boring, seen it before and utterly predictable bin.  However it should be noted that the over the top feminine approach of the dress keeps the mesh from looking like it belongs on the back of a bike, or in the local Shotgun Willies… balance here is key.

Teaching Moment: This cut of dress can be flattering on almost anyone as long as you don’t pick a pattern that overwhelms you.  The ruffle is great for minor tummy coverage, but overly hip-py woman should steer clear to avoid looking like a cupcake.  Tired of being predictable?  Add mesh. Add mesh.  ADD MESH! (even more daring? move onto studs, a leather skirt in a lady like cut, or combat boots… always paired with something overly feminine and sweet to keep everything proportionate)


2. Place

What made this outfit standout, is yes… we were at work.  So while the mesh dress is great; it might not be entirely work appropriate on its own especially in the middle of winter.  (I live in the desert, during the summer the line gets more blurred)

This savy fashionista paired it with an understated grey blazer that matched the cool tones of her dress without being matchy-matchy.  What a win.  Grey blazers with silk linings are the popular kid at the school dance on their own, matched with a sassafras dress was a stroke of genius.

Teaching Moment: You have to be careful mixing too many trends, and when in doubt err on the side of caution… if you think it is too much it probably is.  If you look in the mirror and don’t know where to look, images of the worst dressed in the back of trashy magazines should come to mind.  This is not a good thing.  Take a deep breath and take something off.  This is an instance where  a classic masculine piece just leveled out a still feminine outfit and made it work appropriate.   That is what mixing trends is all about, using contrast to fit a need. Bravo madame.


3. Show

The devil is in the details.  Too many outfits lose it with bad shoe choices or over accessorization.  The fact that she went with opaque black tights and black lace up oxford wedges sold it.  No tights would have been the wrong season and not work like, too light of tights would have worked but not made a statement, forget other colors.  The solid black into the shoes again hi-lited the feminine/masculine traits of this outfit without taking away from the character of the mesh.

Teaching Moment: The shoe was on par with the outfit, she didn’t try to oversell and thus by keeping it simple, knocked it out of the park.  It is as simple as that.

*If you are curious, she kept it balanced on top as well with light makeup, but doll like flouncy blond curls.  Boom.

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